Char's Film Studies Blog

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Indiana Jones

Heroic characters like Indiana Jones are popular in our culture because girls/ women are attracted to their type since they make us feel safe in a manly way. We also need heroes to look up to for role models, security, and just for fun. Indiana Jones is one of the best examples of that type of hero. I say this because he is easily noticeable with his style of hat, jacket, bag, and his whip, also because he is not afraid to get down and dirty, he even has scars to prove it. Indy just pulls out his whip and does what he needs to do.

Sci-fi assignment

Serenity is a 2005 science fiction western genre film. It is set in the universe of the canceled FOX show, FireFly. It’s the story of a caption and a crew of a transport and cargo ship. The caption and first mate were veterans of the losing side of the Unification War, who now lived a life of crime. Though that was interrupted by a psychic passenger who carries a dangerous secret. Serenity mixes genres by being set 500 years in the future and using very technological devices, but the war and the plot is said to be influenced by the post American civil war period. The setting also looked futuristic but very deserity. The director also used the Wild West style of drab earth tone clothing.

Firefly is an American science fiction cult television serious that has been canceled. Its naturalistic future setting, modeled after traditional western movie motifs, presents an atypical science fiction backdrop for the narrative. They developed the concept for the show after reading The Killer Angles, a book about the battle of Gettysburg, and from a book about Jewish partisan fighters in World War II.

The show and film developed a theme of a dystopian future by setting it 500 years in the future were mankind has abandoned Earth. They are now being controlled by an alliance and keep going to rambon rural planets for fights.